Saturday, March 18, 2006

Discipline Schmiscipline

I was talking to my friend Aaron last night and we got on the subject of discipline. We both agreed that we need more discipline in our lives but we didn't come up with an acceptable answer for accomplishing that. For those that know me well, it will come as no surprise that I have almost zero discipline spiritually, physically or financially. And usually I don't mind that because being undisciplined allows for a lot of free time and temporary enjoyment. But lately, I feel a bit a drift and wonder if that's because I don't have that structure and focus in my life. However, the mere thought of adding discipline makes me just want to crawl back into bed and forget about it. How does one get discipline if they have none to begin with? It seems like the old adage about money; it takes discipline to make discipline. So I guess I am asking for some advice, preferably from other slackers who were able to overcome their lack of discipline.



Yeah I guess I could use it to, my problem is everything I wanted in life God just kept shutting the door on, I have nothing I'm really living for and little I care about other than my family, so disciple means nothing to me because what's the point

Unknown said...

Get Married and Have a kid (in that order)

No really, it works trust me.


David Drury said...

Jason & Fetz = I'm married and have a kid and I still might say: Discipline Schmiscipline along with you...

Didn't work for me. IN fact, sometimes it makes me want to be less disciplined (spiritually, physcially, financially = like you said) and just spend time with them.

I've been writing the last few months on my lack of spiritual discipline at my web-site (Anticipating YHWH and Life Rhythm Theory) to try to "work out my own salvation" on that issue.

I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on those ideas of how I"m trying to figure out my own lack of "spiritual discipline"at least how others define it)
