Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First Date

Last night I had my first date since August. It went very well and I am already looking forward to a second date. I met Amy through work and soon discovered that we have similar interests. A couple weeks ago, I called her to ask her out but she had other plans and took a raincheck. Last night I was finally able to cash in that raincheck and took her out to dinner.

The night didn't start out as planned, as she had to work later than expected. Then, I discovered the restaurant I wanted to take her to was out of business. I guess there isn't much of a market for French food in Lansing. I ended up calling my ex girlfriend in a panic to come up with a backup restaurant. Finally, at 7:00 p.m. Amy and I ended up at some hole in the wall Mexican place which turned out to serve good food. But better than the food was the conversation and companionship. Amy is particularly bright and witty and I really like that in a woman. We spent much of the night in playful banter discussing all things from religion to politics to books we were reading. I enjoyed having someone who shares as many common interests. The last woman I dated flunked the political test I give to all new dating interests by not being able to identify her US Senator. Amy is a welcome change and I appreciate that.

We stayed at the restaurant for a long time. They actually closed the place and started turning up the music in the background as a hint that it was time us to leave. The one awkward moment was at the end of the night as I wasn't sure how to end it. So we simply said goodbye and drove away. No hug, no handshake, no nothing. I am not sure really what happened. All I know is that it was going well up to that point and then "see ya".

Today I am trying to figure out my next step. I sent her a short email telling her how much I enjoyed the evening but now I would really like to call her. But I don't want to come on too strong or seem too desperate. So I guess I will wait to see if she writes back tomorrow. When she does write back, I need to have a plan in place to ask her out for a second date. I don't want to rush things but I also don't want to go so long in between dates that she forgets how charming I am. Plus, the second date is always a very important date for me because I can usually tell if there is any long term potential or interest by the end of the second date. It's usually by the fourth date that I begin to regret having gone on the second date. Let's hope that is not the case this time.

You know I have to say it feels nice to go on a date again. I've missed it and forgot how much fun they can be. I like the butterflies in my stomach. I like the nervous anticipation of waiting for her to call. I liked sharing and laughing at the restaurant. Although I have no pretenses for this relationship other than enjoying her company it's refreshing to be excited at the possibility of a relationship.

I'll keep you posted. That is, unless she finds out that I am writing about her. In that case, you will probably have to call me to get the scoop.


Matt and Heidi said...

i've got the bolling ball...



I throw a heck of a bachelors party

Heidi said...

Fetzer, dear! Good for you! Well, you don't have to kiss her for her to know how great you are! You've never kissed ME (Matt's howling about now) and I think you're wonderful! LOL Seriously, lots of direct eye contact, that's almost better. Look in that soul of hers...

Is she a believer? (It's a geeky thing to say, but you know what I mean)

You are a real catch, my friend.

Feltzy said...

Did you take any of my advice? Am I truly all theory and no practice? All style and no substance? I will call you to get all of the dish...great to hear that things went well!

Like I said, not to be mean, but there is enough you to make things go-don't let you trip over you-just go with it and if she is the one it will work out.

fetzer said...

Thanks for the encouragement. So far, no second date yet but I am still working on it. Maybe this week sometime? Oh and Heidi, she is a Christian. I wouldn't date someone who isn't serious about her faith.

Anonymous said...

I like Don's line, I call Best man.
My first blog posting....
Glad to see you had a good time. I am also surprised when we talked on the phone you didn't mention her appearance, that is a step forward when you don't place too much priority on looks. Because as you know, we all grow old, and not all as gracefully as we would like. Stay true to your beliefs, be yourself, and have fun. Don't try to hard.
Best Wishes, Ray