Saturday, November 17, 2007

Movie and a Makeover

While most men are watching the Michigan-Ohio St. pregame show, I have been feasting on several romantic comedies. TBS has been showing When Harry Met Sally, Serendipity and Spanglish as part of their movie and makeover and they are three of my favorite films. So basically, I have up since 7 a.m. mindlessly watching movies that I have already seen but thoroughly enjoying all three of them. They remind me of the possibility of love which sounds sappy but then again, I live vicariously through romantic films. The dating and relationships are always much better and exciting in films than my own personal experiences. I want to fall in a love with an old friend, or spend years pursuing a woman after just one date, or better yet have a hot Spanish maid move into the house. Instead, I find myself having half hearted interest in women with boyfriends and no interest in women that are available and interested in me. Not exactly the makings of a movie. More likely a really good Greek tragedy.



Maybe you should just hire a Spanish maid, I mean that sort of thing always works in the movies.

Come to think of it, where's my phone book...I'll let you know how it turns out.

Don said...

Let me add to your woes:

Poor me. I have a great job.
Poor me. I own my own home.
Poor me. I graduated from a great university.
Poor me. I have a 401k.
Poor me. I have gov't insurance.
Poor me. I have friends who love me.
Poor me. I have cable.
Poor me. My sweet insurance from my sweet job paid for the sweet surgery that allows me to see without glasses that I've been wearing since grade school.

Blah, blah, blah.

Here's a few tips to get you through the holidays and the next few dates. Chew with your mouth shut and don't play Risk with the ladies on the first date.

Oh yes, remember that ballroom dancing class that we took in 8th grade? Go out and shake your skills - you earned them.
