Thursday, January 05, 2006

Just Shut Up

It's such a tiresome subject but Pat Robertson has made another regrettable remark. Apparently he thinks that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's sudden stroke is a punishment from God because he is "dividing God's land". He uses a scripture from the book of Daniel ( the bible not the new TV show) to support his idea.

I wish that he would keep his mouth shut. I hate that we as Christians will now be branded with these ridiculous remarks simply because one of our supposed leaders claims it to be true. Apparently, Robertson has never read the book of James which talks about controlling one's tongue, being quick to listen and slow to speak. And James is a lot easier to interpret than Daniel.

It's too bad that Robertson does not understand that when he makes these types of comments he claims to be speaking for God. Well maybe he does understand this and thinks of himself as a modern day prophet. I'm not quite convinced. May God have mercy on him if he's wrong.

Having said that, instead of wasting my time arguing against the merits of Robertson's claims, I am going to use his example as a reminder to hold my own tongue. I find that I am often tempted to speak for God and often without checking with Him first. This can happen when I am giving advice to a friend or even just offering my opinion during a bible study or church meeting. It seems innocent enough and compared to Robertson my remarks will have only limited impact. But what if somebody believes my comments really do speak for God? That's a heavy responsibility and one that I need to be aware of. One that all of us Christians need to be aware of.


kyperman said...

Funny, When I heard this I also thought "Shut up!!!" He may be right and he may not be, but everytime he says something like this he just turns more people off. I happen to think that Ariel Sharon was a good leader. And to think that I almost went to Regent...

Jon said...

Can you picture the political cartoons that will appear upon Robertson's death? "Must have been God's judgement!" they will say.

It is true that God judges our actions. Like Fetz, I'm thankful that God is also gracious and merciful when he judges my comments.

In my humbled opinion, it is time for Pat to retire from his public media ministry. Perhaps he should pastor a small, struggling church and light a candle rather than continuing to curse the darkness.

Derek said...

Great post Fetz... I agree 100% with your assesment of Robertson & I would like to go on the record right here on "The Fetzer Files" & announce to all of the world that even though I am a Christian, Pat Robertson does not speak for me!

Anonymous said...

I didn't actually hear the words come out of Pat Robertson's mouth, but I heard the newscasters this am quoting him. My first thought was, "here we go again..." I agree with Jon, I think it's time that Pat steps down from his TV evangelism. You are absolutely right, Jeff, he seems to lately be speaking before thinking. And, yes, we all do that as well, it's just that most of us don't have the millions of people watching us like Pat does. Julie Kuiper