Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why We Don't Need Fred Thompson

There was an interesting column on Fred Thompson's candidacy today. I would encourage people to read it. I like Fred Thompson personally but I am still not sure why he is in the race. What does he bring to the table that the other Republican candidates don't have. He is not a down the line conservative that some want him to be and for all his communication skills, I haven't heard him say one thing yet as to why his being President would make our country any better.

For all you out there that are still undecided, you should check out Gov. Mike Huckabee. He has the experience, the personality and the ideas to be an effective president. He is not acting the part. Instead he is the real deal.


kyperman said...

Huckabee is a great guy, but he cannot win the general election against Clinton, Obama or even Edwards. I am a Thompson supporter cause he can win the general election, plus I like him, give the guy some time, he only formally entered the race last week.

Tameshia said...

Finally, something regarding the '08 election I can agree with you on!

Thompson doesn't seem incredibly driven or astute on the issues from what I have seen or read about him; more rhetoric than substance (which I know is what you think of Obama...), but folks are painting him as the hope of the GOP in this election.

fetzer said...

Todd, using your logic, then you should be voting for Rudy because he has the best chance to win the general.

kyperman said...

No, I don't think that Rudy can win, I am not a Rudy supporter, he will NEVER win over the Republican base, and according to the latest poles, he is not the front runner anymore, it's Fred.


I've told you before I'm a 2nd Amendment voter...ALL the RINOs are willing to violate the constitution (McCain worse than the others because of McCain-Feingold violates the 1st Amendment).

Being a Federalist I can respect politicians that understand the principle of divided and difused power. Rudy has bragged about how he used the constitution against the citizenry of NYC.

The reason I can't support Hucklebee is because he is willing to violate private property rights by not allowing the owner to decide if smoking is allowed in their establishment. I've heard the arguement that people shouldn't be forced to work in an enviroment where smoking is allowed. IT IS A STUPID arguement because if smoking is allowed nothing is forcing a person to go to or work at that establishment. There are other choices.

Honestly, he is the only candidtate I can vote for...if he doesn't get the nod, I have to you write you in in spite of your kind of a moderate on some issues, but at least your pro-life.

kyperman said...

Listen, I don't want to get trounced in the general election. I am concerned that if we nominate someone like Huckabee, as much as I wish we could, we are gonna see another President Clinton. I can't get excited about anyone but Thompson, I really do like him. He has some baggage, and some say he is just another Washington insider, but to me he represents the best of a pretty weak field of Republicans.


After I watched his speech at the NRA gathering in DC, Gov Huckabee has improved. The interesting thing though, with the Governor being a Christian he awarded the right of self-defense flows from the 2A. Senator Thompson said the right comes from God. The nation wide smoking ban makes it tough for me to vote for him, but anything from seatbelt laws on make it hard for me to support a politician.

The Federalism of Senator Thompson is more appealing to me than the trust that Governor Huckabee has in it.

Mayor Guillani sure hasn't convinced me that he changed his belief that us "extremist" have the rights the contitution guarantees us. I still want to ask him about his belief that abortionbeing constitutional that it should be taxpayer funded that if he became President if I submitted a bill for a Barrett's .50 Caliber the government would reimburse me for it. Yeah, I really it's almost as obnoxious as taserboy.