Monday, May 21, 2007

John "Big Money" Edwards

In the past I have spent most of my time bashing Obama. In the interest of fair play I decided to take a swipe at John Edwards.

I just read an article that listed Edward's speaking fees that he charged last year. Apparently he spoke at a public college in California on the issue of poverty. Guess how much they paid him? $10,000? $25,000? Nope not even close. He got $55,000 to speak at that college. I guess he needed the money to afford another one of his $400 haircuts.

This is typical liberal hypocrisy and exactly the reason that while being a bleeding heart, I am not a liberal. If Edwards is so interested in helping the oppressed why doesn't he give his own damn money to the poor instead of raising taxes and taking money from the rest of us. Why should I pay for his unproven ideas to "end poverty" while he lives a lifestyle of the rich and famous?

The best leaders are those who practice what they preach. As soon as Edwards puts his money where his mouth is, I'll give his words the due attention they deserve. Until then he is just another phony politician.


Derek said...

I may not agree with them on some issues but I respect the fact that the governor of California & the mayor of New York City do not accept salaries for the offices they hold being that they are filthy rich in the first place.

Well, actually I read were Bloomberg gets paid $1 a year for being mayor but he doesn't cash the checks the story goes.

fetzer said...

I wonder if Bloomberg will down his salary after he becomes President?


Bloomberg becomes President would become a very ugly thing for this Nation, we'd be approaching hillery and Obama territory

Feltzy said...

I'm voting for Thompson!