Monday, September 18, 2006

Is Islam Evil?

Last week the Pope made some remarks that were critical of Islam by stating that it was evil and inhumane. How did the Islamic community respond to these comments? They started rioting and threatening violence against the Pope. This morning it was reported that a catholic nun had been murdered in retalitation to the comments. It seems to me that this response only reinforces the Pope's argument. I can certainly understand being upset when someone criticizes one's religion but since when did that give license to respond with violence?

Also last week, Rosie O'Donnell on the View compared radical Christianity to the Muslim terrorists, presumably because many of us don't endorse her homosexual lifestyle. Her comments obviously drew condemnation from the Christian community but to my knowledge nobody has threatened her life or started rioting in the streets. Maybe Christians will boycott the show but I doubt that will work since nobody watches the View anyways.

It's irritating listening to all the pundits wring their hands when anyone questions Islam's true intentions or beliefs. Yet Christians get mocked and ridiculed daily in the media, the schools and in the entertainment industry. Why is there a double standard? And since when did religion freedom mean that average citizens cannot criticize other people's religion. By definition, if one is a Christian then they do not endorse Islam and vice versa. The two faiths have little to no room for agreement. The Muslims get this but apparently we hold freedom of religion as so sacrosanct that it applies to more than just government but to our own personal religious views.

Now as to content of the Pope's comments. I do not believe that all Muslims are evil people. They are no more or no less evil than I am as all men are born with sinful intentions. But as a religion Islam is in direct contrast to the redemption and transformation offered by Christ. You may not want to call that opposition evil but I would hardly call it good.


Anonymous said...

Even if it's just 10% with a couple of billion muslims 200,000,000 can do alot of damage the way they fight

Anonymous said...

To be honest, the few that say islam is wrong always end their statement with yeah but. If the so-called moderate muslims aren't willing to stand up against this barberism, then they are with them. What else could you call a religion that slaughers a nun who served God taking care of the poor for 30+ years or threating a war (which they already are waging anyway) because someone says something critical. I would love to believe that there are "good" muslims, but by definition if a person isn't following Christ they are evil

Jon said...

The leader of the Roman Catholic church recently quoted historical documents. The quotes point out how even long ago, many in the Middle East considered Muhammed's call for jihad as stupid and bad. Islam's jihad, or holy war, is nothing but religious intolerance. It calls for the death of all who reject Islam thereby promoting intolerance and violence.

In Christ's Holy Sciptures, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Christians are reminded that our holy warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against false ideas. (like Islam?)

Derek said...

Well stated Jeff... you basically wrote the article that I would have written in response to this situation. Now I won't have to. :-)

I will add this though... When someone is critical of Islam in any way some Muslims act like that kid from elementary school who when he doesn't get his way out on the playground starts throwing a temper tantrum to the Nth degree.

I think this whole situation just really shows Islam's true colors.