Friday, April 21, 2006

Fun With Words

Over the past several years I have attempted to broaden my vocabulary by learning new words and incorporating them into everyday conversation. It's very satisfying to find just the right opportunity to use a relatively obscure word in the proper context. It is especially fun when the person I am conversing with has no idea what the word means and I get to demonstrate my verbal superiority.

In fact, to show off your intelligence or to hide your lack of it, there is nothing more important than the use of a vibrant and robust vocabulary. That is why I am providing a list of ten fun and often under utilized words that you can use to impress your friends. Just by using new large words you will be amazed at how smart people think you have become .

1. Feckless - Weak and ineffectual
example: The Pittsburgh Pirates are the most feckless team in baseball

2. Ramshackle - A structure that is poorly constructed or in disrepair
example: I currently live in a ramshackle

3. Boondoggle - an unnecessary or wasteful project or activity.
example: Much of the legislation that gets introduced in the Senate is nothing more than a boondoggle

4. Spurious - Similar in appearance but lacking validity
example: The link between high school grades and college achievement is spurious

5. Fastidious- Excessive or meticulous attention to detail
example: My friend Sarah keeps fastidious track of her finances

6. Debacle - A total, often ludicrous failure
example: My attempt at salsa dancing was a complete debacle

7. Esoteric - Confined and understood by a small group of enlightened people
example: If you use these words you're friends will think you are speaking esoterically

8. Precipitous - Extremely steep, rapid, hasty, or abrupt
example: The Republicans majority in Washington is headed towards a precipitous conclusion

9. Rapscallion - A deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
example: Why would anybody vote for that Rapscallion Ted Kennedy

10. Droll - Amusingly odd or whimsically comical
example: I enjoy my friend Don's droll sense of humor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fetz, always good to catch up on your life by reading the BLOG.

You were the first person who introduced me to the concept. And even though you are a star-wars poli-sci nerd. You can be cutting edge too.

I agree a vocabulary is something to be cherished, however don't abuse it.

To purposely show intelectual superiority is nothing short of pride and arrogance. Leave that to the wannabe's and simply live life.

Your friend