Saturday, October 22, 2005

Top 10 signs you're at a bad Halloween party

The main event is bobbing for pumpkins

Your accountant entertains partygoers with scary stories of embezzling your money

The fat naked guy from Survivor shows up and wins best costume

For the scary movie they show Roseanne Barr; the early years

The person in the Michael Jackson costume is in charge of babysitting the kids

Instead of candy corn it's candy asparagus

The prize for best costume is a first edition of Uncle Fester's Halloweenopoly

Your date is seen doing the Monster Mash with Rosie O'Donnell look a like

People compliment you on how funny your costume is even though you forgot to wear one.

The guy dressed up as Elton John follows you around asking if you want to see his trick or treat



Since when have you gone hollywood-funny


Or The Wicked witch of New York shows up.

My ex-girlfriends show up and start telling stories about my love life.

The person who is dress like lizzy borden is really Jack the ripper. And the person dressed like jack the ripper is quiet neighbor who keeps to himself.

All your married friends with kids bring their kids and leave them overnight at your place after the kids have had 18 hours of candy and Mountain Dew

For a trick, the neighbor kids wait for you to use the outhouse and tip it over.

You play four truths and one of the truths is she has a crush on CJ.

The Lady from Jeff's Grandpa's church decides come dressed as a ballerina and starts some interpetive dance on a weak floor.

The Jack the Ripper character starts hearing voices.