Saturday, February 12, 2005

Valentines Day sucks

I am sick of Valentines Day.

I am sick of not having someone to celebrate with.

I am sick of well meaning friends giving me advice on dating.

I am sick of being set up with women whom I have nothing in common with.

I am sick of being the third wheel.

I am sick of being out of place in social events.

I am sick of awkward dating situations.

I am sick of hearing about family values; as if not being married makes my values somehow less important.

I am sick of having to explain that the reason I am not married is not because I fear commitment but because I fear divorce.

I am especially sick of people in crappy marriages asking me why I am not married.

I am sick of watching other friends who are still single feel the same sense of outcast that I feel some days.

I am sick of trying to explain what its like to be single and over thirty to people who were married in their twenties.

I am sick of people asking my why I am not married when I am so good with kids; as if because I like kids I should get married to the first person around the corner.

I am sick of ex-girlfriends getting married.

I am sick of married women who flirt with me.

I am sick of being told I have too high expectations.

I am sick of society linking marriage with being mature and grown up.

I am sick of being alone.

I am sick of Valentines Day reminding me of all my sicknesses.


Heidi said...

Very well put, Fetz. I won't say anything stupid (I hope), just miss you and would love to see you some day. This is NOT and example of the married / flirting thing. Love you.

kyperman said...

Tell us how you really feel....!!! I hope I have never done any of these things to you. I will call you sometime this week to offer you advice on anything but this...Have a good week, and keep your head up...

kyperman a.k.a Todd...

Unknown said...

Hey bro, I'm sick of all your ex-girlfriends getting married too. But, I'm damn thankful none of 'em married you, your life would suck more.

I suppose sending you flowers tomorrow is out of the question then?

Love ya man.

PajamaGirl said...

So, what's your basic problem?

Dij said...

Hey dude, you are not alone in being alone. I am in the same conondrum. Over 30, not even a girlfriend. Valentine's Day (VD) is just a gimic, an advertising ploy to sell chocolate and roses. I try not to cast blame and just give thanks that I have a high degree of freedom. It'd be nice to share my life with a nice little honey but it'd also be alot of work.

David Drury said...

Dude, J-mak said it all. I agree with his comment!

Plus -- you're killing me. I remember all those breakfasts (or were they technically brunches) where we would go to Chippers in Ipswich, Mass and you and I would piss and moan about the world, like a Seinfeld episode for fish-out-of-water mid-westerners.

Miss ya (I'm sorry for flirting with you in the past even though I was married)


Anonymous said...

it seems to work for some!

Anonymous said...

Being married and having all the answers, let me give you some yourself some chocolate and start studying up on fantasy baseball. How's freckles? I guess if I had ALL the answers I'd already know!

Anonymous said...

Fetz...powerful post. Missed you at the State of the State...I had someone all set to fix you up with, but after reading your words I think I will refer her to another individual. Hope to cross paths soon. CJM

Anonymous said...

Al Capone is the only man I know that has ever celebrated Valentine's day correctly. Any way I aggree with Feltzy thank God you didn't marry any of your ex-girlfriends. I pray that God grants you a vision over this season of Lent. I still say you would make either an awesome pastor or a councior

Anonymous said...

Now that's a rant...I can only suggest one thing - Pepto Bismol.