Sunday, August 19, 2007

When was the last time?

One of my previous posts caused a lot of discussion about how one's Christianity influences one's politics. To be honest, I was frustrated by the discussion because it was not based in charity but rather on trying to prove how right we are on certain issues. Furthermore, I am particularly frustrated that we chose to use politics to measure each other's faith. Being a Christian is much more than how we vote and address political issues. Yes, I do believe that God wants us to honor him in our politics but he wants much, much more from us. So instead of using politics, I thought I would share other barometers to measure our faith. Ask yourself the following questions:
  1. When was the last time you really prayed for more than 15 minutes?
  2. When was the last time you thanked God for his vast and unexplainable love for you?
  3. When was the last time you had to trust and depend on God because the task he called you to was more than you could handle?
  4. When was the last time you admitted to yourself and others that you don't have "being a Christian" all figured out?
  5. When was the last time you stayed awake all night and cried for someone who isn't a Christian?
  6. When was the last time you shared the name of Jesus with someone who isn't a Christian?
  7. When was the last time you showed an act of love or mercy to your neighbors?
  8. When was the last time you helped someone who is hungry, homeless, in prison or mentally ill?
  9. When was the last time you actually took care of a widow or an orphan?
  10. When was the last time you forgave someone who didn't deserve it?
  11. When was the last time you gave more money to the church than you could afford?
  12. When was the last time you confessed your sins to another Christian so they could hold you accountable?
  13. When was the last time you experienced lasting freedom from the sinful addictions in your life?
  14. When was the last time God visibly demonstrated his miraculous power in your life?

These questions are not to be used to judge another person's faith. But rather when we answer them ourselves, we get an honest assessment of our relationship with Jesus.


Jon said...

Great post. Thanks for the reminders.

Speaking of orphans, your office's work to support CASA was right in line with the spirit of your post here.

Tameshia said...

Thanks for helping put things in perspective.

Makeesha said...

thanks for the linkage :) I used to go to church in Lansing when I lived in Laingsburg which is where I went to high school :)

fetzer said...

Makeesha, so you are from laingsburg? Small world. I enjoy your blog and figured other people might want to read it as well.