Sunday, February 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Mr. President

For those who are unaware today is Ronald Reagan's birthday. He would have turned 94 if he were still with us.

In college, I along with the other political junkies would go to applebees and request a booth underneath Reagan's picture. We would sit and share our favorite stories or memories of him. Growing up in the 80's Reagan was the first president that I have a clear history with. I remember seeing him speak in 1988 at a youth rally in DC. He was charming, articulate, witty and comfortable with himself. If only more of our leaders could share the same characteristics.

As I reflect upon his greatest achievements I wonder how history will remember him. Will they remember him as a movie actor, a tax cutter, the origin of the Republican revolution, the great communicator or as the man who brought down communism and helped liberate millions in Eastern Europe? To me he will most be remembered for his core commitment to the goodness of America. He believed in the people of our country and that together we could tackle the tough issues of our time.

Today I celebrate his spirit of optimism and his leadership. I also thank God for providing him at just the right time in our nation's history.


Anonymous said...

One of the top 5-10 Presidents very easily. His acocmplishments become more impressive with time and are getting acknowledged more and more by his opposition over time as well. He was an amazing man and certainly held true to his convictions. In this day and age of politics by poll, he always held firm to his beliefs and to me, that is his most important legacy.

Gary Parker

Anonymous said...

I remember Mr. Reagan as one who wanted to gut the New Deal and the Great Society but was prevented from doing so by a House of Representatives that was in the hands of the opposition, which unfortunately is not the case anymore.

If I can make a living over here in The People's Republic of Europe, I'm not coming back. Y'all can have the place.

Reagan was an effective president and a terrific public speaker. Just completely wrong-headed.

Anonymous said...

President Reagan, along with the 80 US hockey team, saved America. Many in Washington, MSM, and elites were happy to see a world engulfed in communism than the freedom of a republic. After the 72 olympics, Vietnam, and the Johnson administration, the Russians were victorious time and again. Mike Eruzioni stopped the world when him and his commrads won in Lake Placid. That allowed America to love itself again, and then came Reagan. Reagan showed us it was ok to win, to achieve for greater rewards, and to stand firm in life. For all that Reagan stood for, it was his fervor of the victorious American that will be his endearing legacy.

Dave Deur said...

Reagan's strength was that his words and actions were the same. That's a rare quality in the world of politics.
Reagan realized that money doesn't fix problems. Instead, it creates greater dependency. He came on the scene at the right time, with the right message, and helped us realize that government was not the solution...