Friday, May 09, 2008

The Republican Brand, part two

I just read an interesting article by David Brooks, who by the way is becoming my favorite columnist, that discussed how the conservative party is redefining themselves in England. This is a timely article as Republicans here at home are trying to define the "Republican Brand". I am hopeful that we will follow their example and avoid the decades in the political wilderness they had to endure before realizing it was time to make changes.

They are onto something as they are moving away from focusing on the role of government and instead emphasizing community and quality of life issues. This is a brilliant strategic shift as it helps connect the dots between political theory and real life solutions that people want. Let's face it, most people could care less about the size and scope of government so long as it's competent and their community is thriving. We need to reexamine our policies in light of how well they provide services and how they impact people's quality of life.

For instance, it is not enough to say government should stay out of health care simply because we don't like big government. Instead we have to offer actual solutions that make health care more accessible and affordable. Instead of focusing on hot button social issues like gay rights and gun rights, we need to pay more attention to improving government services like transportation, our schools and the corrections system. Now ,there is a lot of room to debate how to improve these services but these areas should be our priorities.

It's not enough to be against government and for free market anymore. In some cases this approach works but not all the time. As a party we need to offer real solutions to improve the quality of life in our communities. These solutions might come from the free market but they also might include more government to fill in the gaps left behind by the market place. Without taking this approach, we will continue to lose elections and more importantly the public's confidence.


Jon said...

Ideas have consequences.


The Republicans need to explain why we want smaller government is because it more readily insures personal freedoms than big government. While I agree the antiabortion and the homosexual thing is overblown way overblown, the idea we need to blur the lines between the parties leave alot of people in the cold just to give the moderates in the party the warm and fuzzies.

Anonymous said...


You know I think the world of you but you are so far off as to the rebranding of conservatives. The problem with conservatives is that we tried to rebrand ourselves into compassionate conservatives. What a disaster.

David Brooks did not see one thing that is bringing the conservatives back into power not only in England but all over England is the bankruptcy of the left and government. Energy and Global Warming are bringing conservatives into power. People are tired of being told how to live their lives to the point that they cannot even move or heat their homes. If Italy is going to have 10 new nuclear plants in 5 years, why are we not even trying to get one permit, lack of conservative leadership.

Government is the problem with our issues today. Medicare is bankrupting us, we will have nothing left after the boomers are done, remember the great perscription drug benefit program. The left has used it now as a means of not doing enough, yet the cost is what 300 times more than what we were told. Oh yeah no child left behind, the liberals write the bill they provide the votes, and who gets the blame for a sham yeap us, because we think that government is good in smaller roles than liberals.

Government does not have answers they have problems. The free market does work, but when government gets their dirty hands involved they make the market less free and then blame the free market for the problems they now have in funding their ridiculous programs. Good for those six people to run in Minnesotta against anybody who raises taxes. I work till July to pay taxes, nice freedom we have.

Here is a great article on the problems of Michigan, which are also seen in california, why we have given into LIBERALS, rebrand us back to who we were, not who we are.


fetzer said...

CJ, Thanks for your comments but when I hear Sean Hannity list his 10 things Republicans should be running on and all of them are rehashed ideas that the public isn't buying, I begin to wonder when our party will ever wake up and adapt to the present realities facing the country. We don't need more conservative anti government reactionism, we need pragmatic, realistic ideas.

Anonymous said...


The gov. is the problem. It was so called pragmatism that has led to our gasoline and oil crisis. If cap and trade gets instituted you might as well kiss any Industry away. This country will lose 2 million jobs in the first year and up to 4 in 10 years according to the cbo.

So called moderation has worked so well with Schwartzenegger here in Cali. Let's count the ways

1) My daughters have no such thing as privacy in a public bathroom in school. A boy can just walk in and use the bathroom without penalty, and it is legal.

2) A california resource board that has been given the authorization to create any law they want without legislation. For example they are about to ban the wood to build with because of the glue they use. The crazy thing is that they have implemented the use of a technology they read about in a college theory paper. Well that technology does not even exist yet, and nobody is trying to create it.

3) The gov. is going to go against his word and raise taxes. Well, I am sorry but I like my money and I need every penny of it. This state has more than enough money but they have no concept of saving or spending. Taxes equal less freedom and more govt. controll.

The problem with the Republicans is that we want to be friends with dems and they want to destroy us. We act like democrats, and now we are having more conservative dems running than repubs. If they did not vote for pelosi to be speaker I would vote for them too. I am an American, a conservative than a republican. When u sit on the fence only one thing can happen, it hurts really bad when u lose.


Anonymous said...


I have found a great site for the disenfranchised in the party in this election.

Check out

Would love your feed back...

RR Conservative