Monday, June 12, 2006


There are a couple things that I read over the weekend that I feel compelled to comment on.

First of all, I am sick and tired of Ann Coulter and her books. Yes I understand that many of her arguments are correct but why does she need to be so venomous in her attacks. Apparently is her newest book she goes after some of the wives that lost their husbands in the 9/11 attacks. Now I do think that when these women entered the fray of politics they should have expected to face some attacks. Politics is a bloodsport and they should have seen this coming. But why should a professed Christian like Ann write such mean and hurtful things about these women simply because they do not share her political persuasion? Differences in opinion and pointing out where one's arguments are wrong is fine and we shouldn't be afraid to take on those arguments even against grieving widows but there is really no reason to ridicule and call them names just to sell some books. This is all Ann seems to do and it ruins her credibility and what would otherwise be some persuasive arguments. Instead of simply making her arguments, she has become a caricature of what many people regard as a hateful right wing Christian. And that does nothing to advance our cause.

Tom Delay is next on my list. I am glad to see him go. He too is a self professed Christian and yet he still believes that he has done nothing wrong and that everything that has happened to him is the fault of his enemies. Whatever happened to love your enemies and turning the other cheek? Whatever happened to taking responsibility for one's own actions? I have very little doubt that he did engage in some shady practices. Whether what he did was technically legal is for the courts to decide but isn't he supposed to live a life above reproach. At what point does the buck stop with him?

What's sad about both of these cases is that I agree with them on so many political issues. I used to respect both of them but how long can one's political views insulate them from such poor behavior. To me, how you convey the truth is as important as the truth that you are trying to convey. Living a life that reflects integrity and charity goes a long way in building the case for one's arguments. When you live a life without those characteristics, not only does it damage themselves but the very arguments they were to trying to make in the first place.


Jon said...

Thanks for the reminder, Fetz. I tend to be a "noisy gong or a clanging cymbal" sometimes. Love must introduce the truth. We must love people enough to tell/show them the truth, but we need to just love them too.

It sounds like this small segment of her book will overshadow all the good things she probably has in the rest of the book.

Don said...

Fetz - You're my hero.

Remember that time with Ray when we did that thing, and we were sitting on that bench and you were balling him out?

Fetz: "Who are you going to vote for?"
Ray: "Perot"
Don: silently snickering to himself

Then we, uh, still laugh about that day. Wow, you've come along way since then.

Anonymous said...

I remembered years ago a TV program showed Delay golfing with other "important" political associates. He had a smirk on his face in a way that seemed to say that everyone else should be either caddies or shoes shiners for him. A similar kind of smirk that nowaday you often see on Karl Rove's face. The smirk that says "I'm superior than you. I can get away with lot of things. And you're nothing but a bunch of fools under my control". Seeing him then I wished there will be the day he'll be realized that he was nothing but a Napoleon in rag. Absolute power corrupt absolutely! Now that Delay has sunk into a nobody man, I want to ask him: "How does it feeeeeel? To be on your own...".

kyperman said...

I kind of like Ann...I would have to read the book to comment.