Friday, July 29, 2005

In context

I was going to write a post on my recent frustrations with my job, church, dating life etc. You know the normal things that I like to complain about. Then on my way to work as I was praying, I realized that the problems I face are miniscule compared to what some other people are dealing with. My nephew just broke his arm and he feels like he is being cheated out of the remaining months of summer. I have another family member battling drug addiction. 365 people at the paper mill in Muskegon just lost their jobs. Two young boys died in a house fire yesterday in Lansing. 500 people have died from the flooding taking place in India.

Somedays it is all too easy to say "woe is me" look at my problems. But the world has bigger concerns than my own. This doesn't make my frustrations any less real, it just puts them into perspective.



I'll keep praying

Anonymous said...

c'mon jeff, you know how much i hate have this broken arm but i'm not letting it get the best off me, like saturday, mom and jake saw a kid skatin at this skatepark in ionia, with a full arm cast which is what i'm getting so i'm not that bummbed anymore, it still sucks but big deal, i gotta suck it up, but yea, prayer is probably ur best opption, if i were u i'd try speed dating again. lol. well see ya tomorrow, love ya!